33 thoughts on “Merry Monday

    1. It is hard to get five cats in one place at the same time. I do have a picture of four of them sprawled out taking a nap on my bed. I’ll see if I can find it. They take up SO much room.

  1. You are a good expert on sewing those dresses they are the old fashion ones right.
    The kitten video is soooo cute! So is the kitten especaly when he opens his arms.

    1. The dresses are designed to look like those during the English Renaissance (around 1575.) I started learning how to sew when I was about seven years old.

    1. Charlie is very funny. He is big and gentle. He loves to chase butterflies, and then comes home to sleep on our bed.

    1. It took me about 100 hours to make just one of those dresses! I don’t have that much time anymore. I wasn’t married or a mom when I made them. Now I have to spend time with my family instead of sewing. Maybe you could take sewing lessons and learn.

    1. Charlie is a boy and he is about 33 months old. He will be three years old this summer. In the picture he was about 3 months old.

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